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What Is Cellophane?

Date:2017-11-03   By:Sherry

cellophane advantage
also known as transparent paper, transparent paper-like regenerated cellulose, flexible, oil-proof, with excellent mechanical strength, heated to 180-200 ℃ decomposition without melting, easy to burn and will not extinguish, can be dyed into a variety of bright colors. The viscose solution obtained by alkali cellulose and carbon action is sprayed into the acidic coagulation bath by a slit, which is made of continuous film and then washed, desulphurization, bleaching and drying process. Mainly used for packaging food (such as candy, pastries, etc.), clothing and cigarettes.
Cellophane is characterized by high transparency, gloss is strong, printing and text after the color is exceptionally bright, this is the plastic film can not be achieved; printability is good, printing does not need to undergo any treatment, cellophane also has anti-static properties, not easy to absorb dust, to avoid graphic and other printing problems such as sticky dust. But the moisture-proof, thin film affected by temperature and humidity easily deformed, resulting in printing and text is not easy to registration.

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